
The rapid development of technology is creating an ever-increasing demand for technology services that make the most of technology or the digitalisation of processes. Technology services play a key role in today's digital world, helping organisations to innovate, streamline processes and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.


Regulatory services include a wide range of activities and processes that help organisations and individuals meet legal and regulatory requirements. These services are essential and key to ensuring that the activities and individual operations of organisations comply with applicable laws and regulations.


Corporate sector services are crucial for effective business management and achieving the set growth goals of the company. In this area of services, it is necessary to focus on various aspects of management, finance, strategy as well as individual operations of organisations which are backed by expertise and comprehensive processing.

Get to know our services better

First and foremost, you should have comprehensive information about the specific legal services you require from us, i.e., what you want and need to address. However, all the details and supporting documents depend on the type of your case/project and the requirements of the relevant public and government authorities. In case you do not know what you need, we will be happy to consult it with you.

Our law firm provides comprehensive legal services mainly for companies of various types and public administration. That means that we provide legal advice exclusively to legal entities and sole traders. The portfolio of our services is really broad and includes various areas such as commercial law, financial law, as well as public procurement and criminal law. You can read more about our services in Services section.

Of course, in more than 10 years of our activity, we have built many partnerships both nationally and internationally. We are a member of a global network of law firms Ally Law, which enables us to provide our clients with comprehensive legal advice across borders and in multiple countries with partners we trust. We have also built a stable partnership with a number of experts in various legal and non-legal fields.

Normal working hours of our law firm are every working day from 08:00 until 16:00. During the designated hours, you can contact us by telephone, but ideally by email so that we have all information on record. You can also contact us in the case of an emergency. We always try to get back to our clients within 24 hours or after the weekend.

The decision to make pricing for our legal services transparent resulted from the increasing market demand for increased price transparency and equal access to every client. In case the services required by you go beyond the scope of the universal package, the price for services outside the package will be tailored to your requirements after an individual consultation.

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We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We are fully at your disposal.