Automation of legal documents

The Legal Systems platform provides digital solutions designed especially for companies that often use the same documents. Therefore, the Legal Systems platform is mainly aimed at law firms and real estate agents. HR professionals or others who spend a lot of time preparing the same documents can also use these services. You automatically create individually tailored contracts in a fraction of the time and without errors. In addition to contract automation, the platform helps with the complete AML process, PEP review and identity verification as part of contract execution as well. At the same time, you can sign these documents directly and electronically in accordance with valid international legal regulations.

On demand
The price depends on the number of sample documents and their complexity.

Data without overwriting

Thanks to integration with 100+ other systems, we automatically upload data to contracts without describing them.

Customization of the sample document

We will prepare a form for sample (contractual) documentation. The form prepared in this way is ready for its further automation.

Contract generation

Compiles contracts in the correct version and completes the data. Output formats DOCX, PDF, XLSX without design or content restrictions

Digitization and archiving

Data from contracts digitally - allows you to monitor deadlines, perform exports, filter and search across the entire documentation.

More IT and Tech services

IT audit and analysis of digital processes

On demand
The price depends on the scope of the work performed.

Digital transformation is signalling a trend where repetitive activities will gradually be replaced by automated processes. This once unattainable goal for firms and companies has become affordable in recent years for small and medium-sized enterprises, not just corporations.

As for IT audits and digital processes analysis in the context of their subsequent automation we cooperate with established partners.

Payment gateway and digital banking

On demand

When doing business online, it is important to follow certain procedures and settings in terms of payment gateways and card companies to minimise the risk of complaints and chargebacks from the customer. Payout, our partner, is able to provide you with valuable assistance and advice in this very area.

Technological audit

On demand

Do you produce on high-quality machines and efficiently? Get an objective view of your company's technology environment.

Prémiové právne služby digitálne

V unikátnej spolupráci našej advokátskej kancelárie a špecialistov na digitalizáciu vzorových zmluvných dokumentov, spoločnosť LegalSystems, digitalizujeme zložité právne procesy bez papiera. Naši klienti s nami vytvárajú bezchybné zmluvy, šetria čas a peniaze a majú prehľad o každom vytvorenom dokumente. 

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