
Crewlogy is an employee mobile application designed to simplify communication and collaboration within a company, as well as to streamline the management of various aspects of organizational activities.

It facilitates easy sharing of important company information, events, benefits, and job offers, as well as quick access to essential documents, payslips, etc., enhancing productivity and efficiency in the corporate environment, while also strengthening the relationship between employees and the company as they feel more connected to the organization.

Crewlogy consists of various modules or sections, allowing for flexible combination according to the specific requirements and needs of the company. Each module can be customized in terms of functionality and design. If necessary, the application can be integrated with internal company systems such as cafeteria systems, attendance systems, etc.

It is a native application, tailored for the most commonly used mobile operating systems - Android and iOS. Customers can choose between the standard version of Crewlogy (with Crewlogy's colors, name, and logo), in which modules are not customized, and a version where the visual appearance is tailored (with the company's colors, name, and logo), and the modules can be customized as desired.

The application includes an Admin interface, allowing authorized individuals to easily manage, add content, and grant access to various modules based on their permissions and user roles.

Customers can assemble the application from existing modules or request custom module creation.

More about the application, as well as a list of existing modules, can be found at:

Price per module - €500.00
The price is exclusive of VAT and may increase depending on the scope of work performed.

Free Demo and Discussion with the Client

We will guide the client through the Crewlogy application, explain the benefits of using it, and demonstrate how to use the various modules. We will then discuss the client's current problems and specific requirements, and based on this discussion, suggest the most appropriate approach and next steps.

Choosing the Right Modules

We will help the client select the most suitable modules for their company. Initially, we recommend choosing the first 6 to 8 pilot modules for testing within the company.

Deployment and Setup of Modules

After selecting the appropriate modules, each module is deployed and set up for iOS, Android, and backend systems. We ensure efficiency, providing the client with seamless integration of new functionalities into their work environment.

Adding New Modules

Flexibility is a key element of our service, so the client has the option to request the addition of new, existing modules at any time.

Custom Solutions and Integrations

Our team is ready to analyze additional needs and requests from the client and modify existing modules or create new custom modules as needed.

In addition, we are capable of integrating Crewlogy with existing company systems to ensure maximum utilization of all available tools and their efficient interconnection.

Hosting, Maintenance, and Service Monitoring

Clients have the option to host and manage the application themselves. However, we typically provide hosting on our servers. This includes maintenance - regular care of the application including updates to iOS, Android, and backend systems, and service monitoring - continuous operation monitoring of the application and quick response to any issues or outages. Security checks are also an integral part. We continuously innovate the application as well.

Collaborations that help you grow

Choosing the right and reliable advisor is always a great help in improving yourself. Above all, consulting in the field of law is extremely broad-wide and affects almost all areas of the life of entrepreneurs and individuals, therefore the choice of a legal advisor is extremely important. In the law office Hronček & Partners, s. r. o. we pay attention to professionalism and high quality legal services with an individual approach. Our main goal is to provide legal services of the highest quality and to bring innovative and professional solutions for the client so that we become their trusted partner.

Let's discuss your project together.

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