Prémiové služby aj v oblasti ESG

V súčasnej dobe sa téma ESG stáva kľúčovou súčasťou podnikateľských stratégií a rozhodovacích procesov. ESG sa zameriava na tri hlavné oblasti – environmentálne faktory, sociálnu zodpovednosť a riadenie – ktoré majú významný vplyv na dlhodobú udržateľnosť a etické fungovanie spoločností.

Spolu s našimi partnermi Vám dokážeme poskytnúť komplexné právne služby v oblasti ESG, ktoré sú riešené individuálne pre každú spoločnosť pri splnení všetkých relevantných predpisov a optimalizácii ESG praktík. Naša expertíza vám umožní nielen dodržiavať legislatívne požiadavky, ale aj využiť ESG ako strategický nástroj na zlepšenie reputácie, efektívnosti a konkurencieschopnosti vašej firmy.


Viac služieb v oblasti compliance

AML/KYC compliance package

The price is stated without VAT and may be increased depending on the scope of the work performed and the scope of business activities.

The Act on the Protection against Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism sets out a list of so-called obliged persons who must have a comprehensive internal documentation compliant with this Act drawn up and maintained in the course of their activity. If you are an obliged person, or if you are not sure whether you are on the list of obliged persons, we highly recommend you this service.


The price is stated without VAT and may be increased depending on the scope of personal data processed in your company.

Preparation of a new, tailor-made, basic Controller's Security Documentation, updated according to the current legislation, available decision-making and interpretation practice of the authority (internal regulations intended for the protection of personal data).

General terms and conditions (GTC)

The price is stated without VAT and may be increased depending on the scope of the work performed.

The preparation of General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for your e-shop or company can be a key document defining the relationship between you and your customers or suppliers. All in accordance with the currently applicable legislation.

Environmental audit

On demand
Environmental audit service is under preparation.

According to the draft Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the due diligence of companies in the field of sustainability and on amendment to Directive (EU) 2019/1937, Member States are to adopt or amend their own laws on the obligations of companies in relation to the sustainability of their business, so that specified categories of the company should now, in their value chains, identify, prevent and mitigate violations of human rights and environmental standards. It is therefore appropriate for the companies concerned to pay attention to the issue in question before the adoption or transposition of the directive in question. 

The environmental audit service is under preparation.

Registration of public sector partners

The price is quoted without VAT and may be increased depending on the ownership structure of the public sector partner.

Enrollment in the register of public sector partners as well as the fulfillment of other related legal obligations must ensure the so-called authorized person. Without registration in the Register of Public Sector Partners, the public sector partner will not have access to public sources and will not be able to successfully bid for them. In the course of our practice, we have carried out registrations for more than 1,900 Slovak and foreign entities and we regularly verify more than 650 of them.

Let's discuss your project together.

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