Design and programming of the e-shop

Almost anyone can make you a website these days. But a high-quality and, moreover, functional website designed for e-commerce is the basis for a successful presentation and credibility of the e-shop itself. And it must be done by people who really care about its preparation. The functioning of the e-shop must be perceived from the point of view of its customer - he needs to make a quick, clear and reliable purchase. Your online store must therefore be built on 100% user accessibility, functionality, design clarity and high-quality optimization for mobile devices. You don't need to know the language of programmers, a human approach to projects, detailed explanation and design of functions and an attractive website will be a matter of course. In addition, the realized site will be designed in a user-friendly way and in such a way that you will have no problem with its subsequent maintenance and updates. Thanks to this, you will be able to take care of your e-shop yourself - simply and at any time.

On demand
The price depends on the functionalities, purpose and size of the website.

Solution analysis

Solution analysis – We will analyse the scope of the project and propose solutions for the required functionality. The analysis also includes the creation of a work schedule.

Website design

Website design/e-shop design – When creating a design, we make use the client's requirements and materials. The design will be conceived with responsiveness in mind, which means that the entire content of the site will be preserved and adapted to the device. A preview of elements for mobile devices is also part of the design proposal. List of visualised pages of the website:

  • homepage
  • list of products (documents), when transferring the company
  • document detail + form
  • purchasing process
  • contact
  • mobile preview

Preparing the frontend functionality and launching the design

HTML/CSS/JS programming – Preparation of the design for cutting, including programming the proposed design into web format and creating responsive templates for individual subpages. Optimisation for display on different resolutions and supported browsers.

Creation of backend functionality and admin interface

PHP programming – Installation of customised WordPress/WooCommerce core and its administration part. Connecting frontend templates to backend functionality.

Selected functionalities:

GDPR and Cookie functionalities

  • module for displaying cookie notifications, its management of consents by groups, deactivation of cookies in case of disapproval
  • module for collecting and managing consents granted by the customer
  • double opt-in verification when subscribing to the newsletter
  • possibility to enable logging of administrators' activity

Installation of payment gateway of your choice

  • Stripe, PayPal,GP Webpay, CardPay, TatraPay, SporoPay, Besteron, TrustPay, GoPay

Testing the functionality of the solution

Testing and debugging – of application appearance, basic metrics, individual functionalities according to specification, best practices

Tracking and analytics

Analytics setup – integration of Google Tag manager and GA4 measurements. Google Search Console setup and integration

Project management

Project management – project supervision, communication with the client in meetings, by email or telephone, communication and organisation of the internal team

SSL security settings

Solution security – using SSL certificate, free SSL certificate Let's Encrypt included in the price

Search engine optimization

Basic SEO optimisation – automatic generation of Title/meta descriptions, SEO friendly URL addresses, automatic treatment of canonical links (duplications), correct setup of H1 – H6 tags, integration of Favicon, generation of XML sitemaps, possibility to fill in ALT tags for images in the administration, generation of OG information for subpages

More services in the field of marketing

SEO audit

On demand

Appearing in the leading search positions is a source of high-quality website traffic. If you want to get as much of it as possible, there are no magic recipes in this direction, only an honest SEO audit, a precise strategy and continuous content creation.

Verified partnership for your projects

Today, being active in the digital environment is a necessity for any company that wants to be successful. Our digital and marketing partners will help you achieve excellent results for your business in the online space as well. With them, you will be able to communicate more effectively with your customers, get more business opportunities and achieve a higher level of online presentation of your company. Contact us today and we will take your business to a new level in the digital environment, helping you achieve your goals.

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