Review of the terms and conditions

Are you concerned about whether your general terms and conditions are set correctly for your business and whether they reflect the currently valid legislation? In that case, this service is for you. Following the major and important amendment to the Act on Consumer Protection, e-shops and the entire e-commerce sector must reflect the news that this amendment brings. Incorporation of new terms, adjustment of the terms of the claim, withdrawal from the contract and other parts that must be included in the General Terms and Conditions. And in addition, if after this Check we find mistakes in your General Terms and Conditions, drafting them in accordance with the currently valid legislation will cost you less than the amount paid for it.

The price is shown without VAT. In the event of a subsequent interest in drafting/updating the General Terms and Conditions by our law firm, the price for the drafting of the General Terms and Conditions will be reduced by the price for their review service.

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Choosing the right and reliable advisor is always a great help in improving yourself. Above all, consulting in the field of law is extremely broad-spectrum and affects almost all areas of the life of entrepreneurs and individuals, therefore the choice of a legal advisor is extremely important. In the law office Hronček & Partners, s. r. o. we pay attention to professionalism and high quality legal services with an individual approach. Our main goal is to provide legal services of the highest quality and to bring innovative and professional solutions for the client so that we become their trusted partner.

Hronček & Partners, s. r. o.
Smart legal services

More services in the field of E-commerce

E-commerce package

The price is stated without VAT

Within our law firm, we provide comprehensive legal service for operators of on-line shops (e-shops). The basis for your e-shop is the correct processing of the General Terms and Conditions (GTC), which we prepare exclusively for the client according to his requirements. Another necessity is the preparation of a complaint procedure, the setting of contracts and the protection of personal data. However, the obligations for e-shop operators do not end there.

Concept of license terms and conditions

The price is stated without VAT and may be increased depending on the scope of the work performed.

Well-drafted terms and conditions and rules for the use of the results of the author's intellectual creative activity, are the key to their successful protection. Contact us and we will prepare the License Terms and Conditions according to your wishes and in accordance with the currently applicable legislation.

Concept of General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

The price is stated without VAT and may be increased depending on the scope of the work performed.

The legislation requires all entrepreneurs to notify consumers of an exhaustively defined range of information before concluding a distance contract or a contract concluded outside the seller's business premises. The above is usually included in the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) together with provisions specifying contractual arrangements between the seller and his customers (whether consumers or other entrepreneurs) and pursuing the seller's interests. The drawing up of individualised General Terms and Conditions (GTC) is thus in the interest of each seller, whether for the purpose to avoid possible sanctions during an inspection carried out by the Slovak Trade Inspection (or other supervisory authority), or disputes with customers arising from the absence of a detailed adjustment of the contractual terms and conditions.

Our law firm will help you to draw up the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for your e-shop, which will be tailored to your requirements and in accordance with the currently applicable legislation.

Complaint procedure conception

The price is stated without VAT and may be increased depending on the scope of the work performed.

The legislation requires entrepreneurs (or sellers), before concluding a distance contract or an off-premises contract to inform the customer (either a consumer or an entrepreneur) about the conditions and method of complaints, about the procedures for submitting and handling complaints, about liability for defects, about warranty period of about deadlines for handling a complaint and about the procedure for rejecting a complaint. The above precontractual information is usually part of the Complaint Procedure, the correct and quality preparation of which is in the interest of every entrepreneur (or seller), especially for the purpose of protection against the occurrence of potential unwanted disputes, preservation of the good name of your e-shop, satisfied customers, or for the purpose of avoiding possible sanctions during an inspection carried out by the Slovak Trade Inspection (or other supervisory authority).

Therefore, think ahead and entrust the preparation of your Complaint Procedure to the hands of experienced lawyers. Our law firm will ensure the preparation of the Complaint Procedure for your e-shop, which will be tailored to your needs and in accordance with the currently applicable legislation so that the resolution of possible complaints takes place without complications and effectively.

Website set-up in terms of GDPR

The price is stated without VAT and may be increased depending on the scope of the work performed.

When operating a website (e-shop), it is important to have correctly set rules for the processing of personal data. Our law firm, in cooperation with Top privacy s.r.o., will ensure the correct setting of your website (e-shop) in terms of the GDPR and simultaneously in accordance with the currently applicable legislation, tailored to the specific functionality of your e-shop.

Payment gateway and digital banking

On demand

When doing business online, it is important to follow certain procedures and settings in terms of payment gateways and card companies to minimise the risk of complaints and chargebacks from the customer. Payout, our partner, is able to provide you with valuable assistance and advice in this very area.


On demand

Automated solutions for your warehouse management.