Technological audit

The goal of a technological audit is to provide an organisation with an objective view of its technology environment and to help identify strengths and weaknesses of their production technology and production process. The results of the technology audit are used for a targeted solution that will improve the technological processes in terms of planned investments in modernisation and reconstruction. The customer will thus have the opportunity to compare existing solutions with the possibility of integrating advanced technology and equipment that will bring higher capacity, higher product quality, simplification of the production process and much more.

On demand

More services in the field of IT and technology

IT audit and analysis of digital processes

On demand
The price depends on the scope of the work performed.

Digital transformation is signalling a trend where repetitive activities will gradually be replaced by automated processes. This once unattainable goal for firms and companies has become affordable in recent years for small and medium-sized enterprises, not just corporations.

As for IT audits and digital processes analysis in the context of their subsequent automation we cooperate with established partners.

Payment gateway and digital banking

On demand

When doing business online, it is important to follow certain procedures and settings in terms of payment gateways and card companies to minimise the risk of complaints and chargebacks from the customer. Payout, our partner, is able to provide you with valuable assistance and advice in this very area.

Automation of legal documents

On demand
The price depends on the number of sample documents and their complexity.

Automated contract processing has never been easier. Save your time and create contracts not from a template and sample documents, but from a simple form.

Spolupráce, ktoré nám pomáhajú rásť

V rámci rôznych služieb spolupracujeme s odborníkmi v daných témach. Dôvera, blízky vzťah a overená kvalita poskytovaných služieb nám umožňuje rozširovať portfólio služieb. Vďaka našim partnerom dokážeme poskytovať pre slovenských aj zahraničných klientov široké spektrum služieb, ktoré im pomáhajú riešiť ich problémy. V rámci našej dlhoročnej spolupráce so sieťou inovátorov združených v INOVATO poskytujeme služby v najlepšej kvalite.

Na tejto službe spolupracujeme s overenými partnermi.
Prejst na zoznam partnerov.


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