Premium digital legal services

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Premium digital legal services

In addition to registration in the Register of Public Sector Partners, which also falls under the category of Compliance, we also intensively deal with consultancy in the field of GDPR, cybersecurity and information security (risk analyses, international transfer of information and data or setting up intermediary relationships), while one of the main segments, where we help clients to set up processes in compliance with security regulations and laws, is healthcare and pharmacy. We take a comprehensive approach to the drafting of AML documentation and we will always tailor the Own Operation Programme to the client, which means, that we precisely define a list of unusual business operations that could occur during the client's business activity according to the line of business and the sphere of activity. We consider it important to always think one step ahead not only when preparing an AML programme, but also when dealing and setting up customer-supplier relationships and chains.

Hronček & Partners, s. r. o.
Smart legal services


Compliance with legal regulations

AML/KYC compliance package

The Act on the Protection against Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism sets out a list of so-called obliged persons who must have a comprehensive internal documentation compliant with this Act drawn up and maintained in the course of their activity. If you are an obliged person, or if you are not sure whether you are on the list of obliged persons, we will provide you with the following within the framework of our AML/KYC compliance package.


Preparation of a new, tailor-made, basic Controller's Security Documentation, updated according to the current legislation, available decision-making and interpretation practice of the authority (internal regulations intended for the protection of personal data).

General terms and conditions

The legislation requires all entrepreneurs to notify consumers of an exhaustively defined range of information before concluding a distance contract or a contract concluded outside the seller's business premises. The above is usually included in the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) together with provisions specifying contractual arrangements between the seller and his customers (whether consumers or other entrepreneurs) and pursuing the seller's interests. The drawing up of individualised General Terms and Conditions (GTC) is thus in the interest of each seller, whether for the purpose to avoid possible sanctions during an inspection carried out by the Slovak Trade Inspection (or other supervisory authority), or disputes with customers arising from the absence of a detailed adjustment of the contractual terms and conditions.

Our law firm will help you to draw up the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for your e-shop, which will be tailored to your requirements and in accordance with the currently applicable legislation.

Environmental audit

Podľa návrhu Smernice Európskeho Parlamentu a Rady o náležitej starostlivosti podnikov v oblasti udržateľnosti a o zmene smernice (EÚ) 2019/1937 majú členské štáty prijať alebo upraviť svoje vlastné zákony o povinnostiach firiem vo vzťahu k udržateľnosti ich podnikania tak, že stanovené kategórie spoločností by mali po novom vo svojom hodnotovom reťazci identifikovať, predchádzať a zmierňovať porušovanie ľudských práv a environmentálnych noriem. Zo strany dotknutých spoločností je tak vhodné predmetnej problematike venovať pozornosť ešte pred prijatím, resp. transpozíciou predmetnej smernice.

Environmental audit service is under preparation.

On demand

Registration of public sector partners

Enrollment in the register of public sector partners as well as the fulfillment of other related legal obligations must ensure the so-called authorized person. Without this registration, the public sector partner will not have access to public resources and will not have the opportunity to successfully apply for them. In the course of our practice, we have carried out registrations for more than 1,900 Slovak and foreign entities and we regularly verify more than 650 of them.

from 100 €

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