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Premium digital legal services

Due to the absence of European harmonisation of national regulations in this area, the regulation of the gambling business is governed exclusively by national legislation. For example, in this area, there is no term “passporting” known from the field of financial market law, which means the possibility of entities authorised to provide some of the financial services to do business throughout the EU. The lack of harmonisation is thus a significant obstacle, particularly for the on-line operation of gambling games.

Hronček & Partners, s. r. o.
Smart legal services


Application of the issuance of a prermit
in the field of hazard

The casino is primary a place for the operation of table games, which, pursuant to the provision of §7 of Act No. 30/2019 Coll. on Gambling Games, are games where players play against a representative of the gambling game operator or against each other on gaming tables. Table games are mainly roulette, card games and dice games.

A gambling room is a place for the operation of gambling games on slot machines, gambling games on technical devices operated directly by players, gambling games on video game terminals and gambling games on other technical devices, while, in the gambling room, there must be at least 15 and not more than 40 slot machines, technical devices operated directly by players, video game terminals or other technical devices, or a total of at least 15 and not more than 40 of such machines, devices, terminals or other technical devices used for the operation of these gambling games.

The law firm Hronček & Partners, s. r. o. is ready to provide comprehensive legal services in order to obtain a relevant license under Act No. 30/2019 Coll. on Gamgling Games.

20 000 €

Under the provision of §2(w), an internet casino or internet gambling room is a virtual space in which internet games are operated. The following games may be operated as internet games:

  1. numerical lotteries (§5(7)),
  2. bingo (§5(12)),
  3. instant lotteries (§5(14)),
  4. charity lotteries (§6),
  5. table games (§7),
  6. betting games (§8),
  7. gambling games on slot machines (§9),
  8. gambling games on video game terminals (§10),
  9. gambling games on technical devices operated directly by players (§11), and
  10. gambling games on other technical devices (§12).

The capital requirements are subsequently governed by the provision of §54(1)(m), under which the share capital of the holder of an individual license in relation to gambling games in an internet casino must be at least EUR 1,700,000.00 and by the provision of §69(1)(n), which determines the minimum amount of financial security for the operation of internet games in an internet casino at

the amount of EUR 750,000.00. The minimum amount of financial security for the operation of internet games in an internet casino and odds bets in an internet gambling room by a single operator is EUR 1,250,000.00.

We are ready to provide comprehensive legal services in order to obtain a license under Act No. 30/2019 Coll. on Gambling Games.

20 000 €

Under §8 of Act No. 30/2019 Coll. on Gambling Games, betting games are gambling games where winning depends on guessing the outcome of a sports betting event or a non-sports betting event or a related circumstance. A sport betting event is a sports event, even a virtual one, including horse racing, even if it is not open to public, on which bets are accepted. A non-sports betting event is a social, political or other event of public interest, if it does not contradict good morals, on which bets are accepted; the description of the non-sports event is included in the game plan. A betting event must have at least two different outcomes over which the betting game operator has no influence. Bets can be accepted not only before the start of the betting event, but also during the betting event. Betting games are mainly:

  • odds bets,
  • horse racing bets
  • and totalisator.
20 000 €

Under the provision of §30(1) and (2) of Act No. 30/2019 Coll. on Gamgling Games, betting games may also be operated in the form of an internet game in an internet gambling room. Odds bets, horse racing bets and totalisator may also be operated on-line in the same way.

The special conditions for the operation of betting games are defined in the provision of §24 and the special requirements of the application for the granting of an individual license for the operation of odds bets in an internet gambling room are governed by §64. The capital requirements are subsequently governed by the provision of §54(1)(l), under which the share capital of the holder of an individual license in the case of odds bets operated in an internet gambling room must be at least EUR 1,700,000.00 and by the provision of §69(1)(o), which determines the minimum amount of financial security for the operation of odds bets in an internet gambling room at the amount of EUR 750,000.00. The minimum amount of financial security for the operation of internet games in an internet casino and odds bets in an internet gambling room by a single operator is EUR 1,250,000.00.

20 000 €

The provision of §8(1) of Act No. 30/2019 Coll. on Gambling Games presents a general definition of the term betting game. Under Section 2 of this provision, betting games are, in particular, totalisator, odds bets and horse racing bets. Pursuant to Section 6, a betting game is also the playing of players against each other on the odds betting exchange. An odds betting exchange is a platform created by an odds betting operator on which this operator acts as an intermediary of odds bets to players in return for a commission from these players. The legislator primarily counted on traditional forms of betting games (e.g., so-called peer-to-peer betting) exposed to a certain degree of regulation uncertainty, while they are subject to both the general definition of the term betting game and the legislation of the operation of gambling games does not reflect the special parameters of such types of betting games. Quality legal advice is therefore particularly important in the setting up of a conception and the preparation of the operation of innominate types of betting games.

25 000 €

The rigorous regulation of gambling and the fragmentation of national regulations of the Member States of the European Union are the main reason why a large number of on-line gambling operators choose countries with more favourable regulatory conditions as their headquarters. In this business model setting, it is important to proportionally consider the “operational easing” due to more favourable regulatory conditions and at the same time the confidence of players, which may be weakened by providers from countries with a minimum level of regulation. Malta is an example of such proportionally balanced legislation (which is extremely frequent in practice) and the operation of on-line gambling games on the basis of a license issued by the competent public authority, which is the Malta Gaming Authority.

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Certain activities can be carried out on the territory of the Slovak Republic only after the granting of a special permit, license or certificate by the relevant public authority. The performance of these activities is regulated by legal regulations and it is possible to perform them only after meeting the conditions established by these legal regulations. In general, if it is a regulated profession (regulated activity), in order to access the given profession (activity), you must have a specific second-level university education, pass special exams, or ) to perform and register with the relevant expert body.

Obtaining a business license can be a very time-consuming matter. It is therefore easier and more efficient for the client to outsource the preparation of the permit application itself, so that the time invested in starting or developing the business can be devoted to more important tasks.

Yes, we have mastered these types of activities, many several times and we do several of them regularly, even if they are not completely common for the Slovak market. Therefore, compared to the establishment of ordinary companies, requests for obtaining a permit to carry out business activities are not made so often.

Some authorizations, for example gambling licenses issued by the competent authority of the Slovak Republic, are valid only in our territory. If you want to do business in this field abroad (European Union), you must obtain the equivalent of this license in the respective country. Our law office can also find out whether your activity is specifically regulated in another EU country and at the same time help you with the registration process in these countries.

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