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Premium digital legal services

Doing business in the energy sector is only possible on the basis of a business permit or a certificate of compliance with the reporting obligation. The business permit and the certificate of compliance with the reporting obligation are issued by the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (hereinafter referred to as the “URSO”) to legal entities and natural persons after the conditions laid down by law have been fulfilled.

Hronček & Partners, s. r. o.
Smart legal services


Applications for the issuance of a permit/license
in the field of Energy / Thermal energy

When obtaining a permit to do business in the energy sector, we will communicate with the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO) on your behalf, we will explain to you all the conditions required by law and we will take care of the entire process from the application to the receipt of the permit for doing business in the energy sector.

On demand

When obtaining a permit to do business in the energy sector, we will communicate with the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO) on your behalf, we will explain to you all the conditions required by law and we will take care of the entire process from the application to the receipt of the permit for doing business in the energy sector.

On demand

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Certain activities can be carried out on the territory of the Slovak Republic only after the granting of a special permit, license or certificate by the relevant public authority. The performance of these activities is regulated by legal regulations and it is possible to perform them only after meeting the conditions established by these legal regulations. In general, if it is a regulated profession (regulated activity), in order to access the given profession (activity), you must have a specific second-level university education, pass special exams, or ) to perform and register with the relevant expert body.

Obtaining a business license can be a very time-consuming matter. It is therefore easier and more efficient for the client to outsource the preparation of the permit application itself, so that the time invested in starting or developing the business can be devoted to more important tasks.

Yes, we have mastered these types of activities, many several times and we do several of them regularly, even if they are not completely common for the Slovak market. Therefore, compared to the establishment of ordinary companies, requests for obtaining a permit to carry out business activities are not made so often.

Some authorizations, for example gambling licenses issued by the competent authority of the Slovak Republic, are valid only in our territory. If you want to do business in this field abroad (European Union), you must obtain the equivalent of this license in the respective country. Our law office can also find out whether your activity is specifically regulated in another EU country and at the same time help you with the registration process in these countries.

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