
Information security

Information security is a solution for securing information systems, information and access to data. The information security management system is evolving with respect to the culture, processes, technologies and requirements of your company / organization. ISO / IEC 27000 standards are a recognized standard in this area to help ensure that your information security policy is appropriate. In the field of information security, a systemic approach is applied, which consists in setting work standards in the field of information security management and in eliminating internal and external risks when working with data. As part of its activities, our company offers services in the field of information security, which have 3 areas:

  • Information security status analysis and risk analysis,
  • Elaboration of safety documentation,
  • Assistance in the implementation of IT solutions.

The goal of information security is to protect the integrity of all data from accidental or intentional actions by employees or external parties. A modern approach to information security is based on mapping the relevant information processes (transfer, storage, use, disposal), taking into account the human factor and related business risks. Proper risk assessment, measurement and monitoring can be difficult. Information security risk analysis consists of identifying these risks, quantifying them, monitoring them over time to detect changes, analyzing these data to identify security vulnerabilities, and drawing conclusions that allow informed decisions to be made. There are many frameworks that can help companies perform information security risk analysis.

Security is a process and a way. Information security risk analysis is part of this journey. It helps the organization identify the various control mechanisms it could put in place to suppress or mitigate specific risks. These controls may include administrative, technical, operational and physical security measures.

As hackers track vulnerabilities and new viruses and malicious code exploit them, there is a growing need to develop a comprehensive data security policy. The essence of data security policy is to clearly articulate the problems. The company's information security policy is an official set of documents that define the rules and guidelines that employees follow when protecting data and ensuring information security. Information security policy is a standards-based handbook with procedures for protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of electronic information and communication systems. These measures need to be translated into practice, whether in the area of ​​object security, personnel security and implementation of IT solutions.

Implementing IT solutions is a process that usually involves installing and configuring hardware and software for a specific application. Implementation can be technically demanding and can take several months. It's not as easy as buying a laptop and then connecting it to the operator's network. Designing network segmentation that meets the needs of individual businesses requires skill. Therefore, it is important to choose a partner with specialized professionals who have many years of experience with enterprise applications, hardware, software and security issues.

With our service, you get an information security system that meets the standards of the ISO / IEC 27000 series and protects your business from loss and theft by ensuring the protection of all data, whether yours or the data of your customers.

Besides other services, our company provides services in the field of information security. For more information, please contact us at

Information security

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