
Cybersecurity Manager

Under the Act no. 69/2018 Coll. on Cybersecurity and on Amendments to Certain Acts, an operator of essential services is required to introduce security measures, and is also obliged to verify the effectiveness of the security measures and compliance with the requirements established by this Act, by carrying out a cybersecurity audit. The audit must be carried out within a period of two years from the date an essential service operator is included in the register of operators of essential services.

For the purposes of organising cybersecurity, the principle of designating a cybersecurity manager is applied who, under the  National Security Authority Decree No. 362/2018 Z. z. Laying down the Content of Security Measures, the Content and Structure of Security Documentation and The Scope of General Security Measures:

1) may submit proposals and report the information in the field of cybersecurity directly to the statutory body of the operator of essential services,

2) ensures the application of security measures in the cybersecurity management system,

3) is independent of the operation management and development of information technology services, and

4) meet the knowledge standards for the position of a cybersecurity manager according to a specific legal regulation.

A designated cybersecurity manager must be a person who is able to give evidence of his or her professional qualification and whose security role includes responsibility for organising the cybersecurity management system.

The cybersecurity manager is a professional management element in cybersecurity of the operator of an essential service who needs to know the internal environment of the organisation and the assets of the essential service operator.

Our company can provide a cybernetic manager service. Our offer includes a full service of a cybersecurity manager who is an expert in the field of information and communication technologies and is qualified to carry out his or her tasks in accordance with special regulation issued by the Office.  Please contact us if you are interested and want more information, at our e-mail address


Cybersecurity Manager

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