Private companies

purchase and processing of waste containing precious metals

production and supply of precision plastic parts and mouldings for the mechanical engineering and electrical industry

manufacture of machinery and technologies for steel wire processing plants, metalworking, assembly, electrical installation and control systems of machinery and devices

mechanical engineering production and metalworking

manufacture of tied and welded wire gabions

building production and engineering

Public sector


Mesto Komárno


Regional Court in Žilina / Krajský súd v Žiline

We respect the privacy of our customers, so these references remain anonymous

municipalities and communities

comprehensive, professional and high-quality services in the field of organization and implementation of public procurement for several cities and municipalities

private companies

a full range of professional and high-quality services in the organisation and implementation of public procurement for a number of private companies

municipalities and communities

comprehensive, professional and high-quality services in the field of preparation of tender documents, draft of tender terms and preparation of public procurement contracts for several cities and municipalities

trading company

comprehensive, professional and high-quality services in the field of legal advice when registering a client for public procurement and representing the client before the public contracting authority

trading company

comprehensive, professional and high-quality services in the field of legal advice for the client in connection with the tender of proposals and direct negotiations, representing the client before the Office for Public Procurement in relation to the legitimacy of the procedure of the public contracting authority in accordance with the Act on Public Procurement

municipality and waste management company

comprehensive, professional and high-quality services in the field of legal advice when registering a candidate for a contract and representing the client in audit procedures according to the public procurement law

development company

comprehensive services in the field of consultancy in the preparation of offers and preparation of objections against the evaluation of offers to the Office for Public Procurement

development company

representation of the client in actions conducted against the Office for Public Procurement, preparation of a request for redress, submission of an objection with justification and filing of an administrative lawsuit against the Office's decision, and representation of the client in actions before the court. Representation of the client in the proceedings on the cassation complaint filed by the Office for Public Procurement